One of the main reasons people choose merbau battens is to match the privacy screening with their merbau deck.
Merbau is an extremely popular choice for decking in Australia, and it makes sense to achieve consistency with screening, cladding or fencing.
Merbau is an incredibly stable timber species, with markedly less movement than the vast majority of its counterparts. Durable and sharp, with it’s golden brown and rich red hues, merbau is popular for good reason.
Just like your merbau decking, you should recoat merbau battens to keep them in good condition. About once a year is a good rule of thumb.
Like other timber species, it is strong, durable and stable, and – for many – particularly pleasing on the eye.
At Nationwide Timber, we’ve got merbau battens in 42x19mm and 42x42mm sizing.
Contact us to find out more.
Go here for full details on different timber gradings.
Click to find the available sizes and gradings for Merbau Cladding.
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